Wednesday, December 31, 2008


by Sukumar 6 comments

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I have been reading some interesting posts this days on God n their beliefs, maybe its because of the christmas spirit. well heres my take on god. I really don't believe in GOD but i am not an Atheist. According to how i was raised its a bit difficult for me, my parents did a good job (mostly my mom)...but I am an Agnostic...

The reason i don't want to believe in God is because i have never seen God or any of its miracles... why should i worship something i haven't seen or heard, just cause some people want me to, this is why i think they do it they put their faith on god so they can feel a bit easy, or they can blame god if something goes wrong, so they say "god wasn't on my side".

I don't believe in the gods that man has created for us, but i do believe that there is a higher being then man. Maybe the concept of some God watching over us is good, it keeps us in check. Some guys really do fear God... maybe its best for some, but i do hate people using that Gods name for their own purposes, why do people
want to spread their religion, the only thing that comes out of it is hatred. remember the crusades and all... how many people died for God...??? even now people kill other people in the name of God and for what... Did this God really intended all this for us..? its something we human should really think about...

Comments 6 comments
Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well said bro, i think you should start writing a book, who knows by the end of the year you turn out to be the best Author and a Best Seller.
Seriously nice topic to discuss, we all must think deeply in it, the last line was touching.
Good Job.
Keep it up bro...

Anonymous said...

Well written. I'm glad you are at least thinking about it, unlike some people who believes blindly.

And yes, some do use 'God' to blame/give credit for something. This is utter crap.

And I couldn't agree more when you said, man created God. Thats the fact. Humans didn't have answers to some questions so they created God.

But when someone needs God to keep a check on him/her. I would call him a coward. Would they be stealing or killing people if it wasn't for the fear of god?

We as humans, should know on your own that what you are doing is good/bad.

IMHO God, or religion for that matter, is the the biggest lie ever told. A big hoax, thats all it is.

Rojit said...

nice writings.. funny belief...
keep it up... see you in

Anonymous said...

Until you have experienced God, as mnay people have, perhaps you should be a little more open minded.

adi said...

watch the zeitgeist movies
its all about how man "invented" god and that religion was the politics of the past

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