Recent Events at Mao Gate , tensions between the Meiteis and the Nagas over Muivahs visit, the only one who are benefiting from all these is the indian government.
Some Nagas feel that we Meiteis are oppressing them, these is utter bullshit, yes the Nagas are considered the minorities in Manipur but because of that they are given certain privileges… They have Quotas in every expect of jobs, trainings etc, we have Nagas occupying different high profile jobs not in the hills only but in the valleys too and we have never complaint bout them, so were did this idea of oppression came from…? the Nagas block the national highways whenever they have a demand which affects the lives of all Manipur’s people, we have never done anything to harm the Naga people, all we asked for is not to break up our homeland thats it… as for Muivah , he cannot be treated as a normal citizen, everyone has forgotten the massacre of the hundreds of Kuki people by the NSCN(IM) led by Muivah, he has been extorting money from Manipuris, he has done several crimes in Manipur… even if he is considered the savior of Naga people by some he is a criminal in the eyes of Manipur… and mind you Muivah only represents (or at least acts like to) the Nagas of Manipur not the entire Naga people… most Nagaland people don’t even care bout Th. Muivah, all we want is to be left alone in peace…
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